
AUTH – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Department of Meteorology and Climatology, School of Geology.
Founded in 1925, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki stands as a beacon of academic excellence in Greece and beyond. Named after the ancient philosopher Aristotle, the university was initially established as a modest institution with just four faculties. Over the decades, it has grown into one of the largest and most prestigious universities in the country, offering a diverse range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs across various fields of study. Throughout its history, the university has played a pivotal role in shaping Greece’s intellectual landscape, fostering groundbreaking research and nurturing generations of scholars, scientists, and leaders. Today, with its rich heritage and commitment to innovation, the Aristotle University continues to uphold its tradition of academic excellence and remains a driving force in higher education and research in Greece. More specifically The Department of Meteorology and Climatology was founded in 1983 and belongs to the School of Geology, but it exists as laboratory of Meteorology and Climatology of AUTH since 1929. Thus, it has a history of over 85 years producing consistent research along with scientific and educational activities. It has currently eight permanent staff members and operates a MSc program in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Science. It operates the Aristotle University Meteorological Station since 1930. Additionally, in operation are the Olympus center (E.K.O.) placed on San Antonios summit (2817 m) in Mount Olympus, and various other weather stations located in the greater Thessaloniki area.

CyI -The Cyprus Institute
The Cyprus Institute (CyI) is a world-class, non-profit research and educational institution with a strong scientific and technological orientation. It is a regional Center of Excellence, addressing issues of regional interest but of global significance, with an emphasis on cross-disciplinary research and international collaborations. CyI is being developed as an international science and technology organization to strengthen the research community of Cyprus and to help transform its economy to a knowledge-based economy. Recognizing the unique geopolitical location of Cyprus, the Institute aspires to serve as a European Union (EU) gateway to research and technology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region and in this way, advance peace and prosperity and promote the cooperation among the peoples of the EMME region for the betterment of their future. The Institute operates under the aegis of the Cyprus Research and Educational Foundation (CREF), which is governed by an acclaimed Board of Trustees, comprised of leading personalities of the international academic, political and business world.

PIK – Potsdam Institut Fur Klimafolgenforschung EV
Advancing the scientific frontier on inter-disciplinary climate impact research for global sustainability and contributing knowledge and solutions for a safe and just climate future – this is the twofold mission of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), a member of the Leibniz Association and a leader in its field. We integrate the latest understanding of the Earth system with the assessment of climate risks, and with the exploration of policies and pathways towards a manageable climate future. A guiding framework for PIK’s research is therefore the integration of Planetary Boundaries and Global Commons. The institute in a unique way combines research across disciplines and scales with solution orientation, emphasizing that societal relevance is based on scientific excellence. With its roughly 400 staff from all over the world, PIK contributes knowledge to the global scientific community by way of publications in high-ranking peer-reviewed international journals and engagement in numerous partnerships and networks. Its main methods are integrated and complex systems analysis and data integration; numerical simulations are run on our own super computer. The institute also actively provides insights to decision-makers in policy, business, and society as a whole. This is science – for a safe tomorrow.

finres – FINRES
Finres is a company created by Florent Baarsch, formerly a senior economist at the World Bank and the United Nations, that offers operational solutions to a major societal problem: food security and sovereignty in a context of climate change. To this end, he has assembled a team of scientists and developers motivated to revolutionize decision-making in agricultural finance. By breaking down the barriers between research and investors, they are building a bridge between finance and resilience. Finres has a deep knowledge of the needs of investors thanks to our long-standing collaborations with governments, commercial and development banks, and international funds. As a university spin-off, we offer tailored and standardized scientific solutions as well as the capacity to mobilize new computing methods (eML and eAI) to support investors. With cloud automation and high-performance computing solutions, finres offers lightning-fast results.

VU – Stitching VU
VU Amsterdam is a unique university with faculties in the humanities, STEM, social sciences and medical sciences. Our education and research are closely linked. We combine our top position in research with a strong social orientation, which has resulted in an excellent international reputation. Our education and research are distinctly multidisciplinary. This is reinforced by the fact that our faculties are all located on one campus. We are a true campus university in the heart of the Zuidas Knowledge District, sharing its excellent national and international position and accessibility. The world is facing major challenges, while there are growing divisions within society. This calls for science with a conscience. With our expertise, open mindedness, enterprising spirit and multidisciplinary approach, we work on developing sustainable solutions that impact society. We focus on four profile themes: Connected World, Governance for Society, Human Health and Life Sciences, and Science for Sustainability.

CSTI – Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative
The Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative (CSTI) is a non-profit nongovernmental organization. It was established in 2006, following a 2-year long project of the Travel Foundation that created a partnership of UK leading tour operators, environmental Cypriot NGOs, the Cyprus Tourism Organization – CTO (Deputy Ministry of Tourism as of JAN19), Cyprus Travel Agents and small village producers, their communities and associations. The CSTI goal is To promote the development of sustainable approach to tourism in Cyprus through:
- Sensible preservation, conservation and protection of the environment and the prudent use of natural resources;
- Reduction of the impact of our carbon footprint as a result of all our activities related to tourism;
- Improvement of the conditions of life in socially and economically disadvantage communities due to tourism;
- Promotion of sustainable means of achieving economic growth and regeneration;
- Research and education
Sustainable development is development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Sustainable Tourism is good for business and is the key to the future. The number of consumers who are demanding a more sustainable and caring world has increased exponentially over the last few years.

ARO – The Agricultural Research Organization of Israel – The Volcani Center
Located at the Volcani Center campus in Bet-Dagan, near Tel-Aviv, ARO’s six institutes are responsible for Plant Sciences, Animal Science, Plant Protection, Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Engineering, and Postharvest and Food Sciences. ARO also operates four research stations, in various parts of the country, and serves as a testing center for agricultural produce and equipment. Israel’s Gene Bank for Agricultural Crops is also located on the ARO Volcani Center campus.
While encompassing the full range of agricultural research activities, ARO focuses in particular on arid zone agriculture, enabling Israel – a country short of all the resources required for agriculture – to achieve among the highest levels of agricultural output in the world.

UM5R- Universite Mohammed V de Rabat
The history of higher education in Morocco dates back to the creation of the first higher research institute during the protectorate, in 1920: the Institut Scientifique Chérifien, which subsequently became the Institut Scientifique. Paradoxically, the first research carried out in Morocco within the framework of this Institute, well before the Human and Social Sciences, focused mainly on scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, geology, oceanography and ‘anthropology. The same year then saw the construction of the Institute of Advanced Moroccan Studies (IHEM) whose mission was to promote and propagate knowledge of the Arabic and Berber languages, geography, history, ethnography and of Moroccan civilization. The ancestor of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences was born. Much later, in 1953, the Center for Higher Scientific Studies was inaugurated, which would become the first Faculty of Sciences in Morocco. These three establishments therefore constituted the breeding ground and the cradle for the construction of the first modern university in Morocco. This is how in 1957, at the dawn of the country’s independence, and in a spirit of modernization and emancipation of the nation, the Mohammed V University was born. From then on, it will assume the challenge of training the first executives of independent Morocco and propelling the economic and social development of the country. This institution has today largely justified its reputation by accumulating more than half a century of experience during which high personalities of the State have been trained in all major disciplinary fields: Letters and Human Sciences, Legal Sciences, Economics and Social Sciences, Exact Sciences, Engineering Sciences and Medical Sciences.